Sandy Brae Labotatories
Dyes & Petroleum Testing Equipment
3 South Tatnall Street
Wilmington, DE 19801 USA
Tel: 1-302-456-0446
Fax: 1-302-456-0441
© Copyright 2014 Sandy Brae Laboratories
Test Equipment
Items used to pull samples and test your fluids
The VISGAGE checks oil viscosity on-site; without thermometers or stop watches. The VISGAGE can be used to check any oil from light spindle oil to heavy gear oils. The VISGAGE is probably the most useful instrument ever devised to aid in a used oil analysis program. Quality control can be assured when the VISGAGE is regularly utilized to verify oil viscosities. The principle of operation is simple. It is based on comparing the viscosity of a sample of oil with oil of known viscosity. An accuracy of 95% or better is easily achieved when making tests. The VISGAGE is more widely used throughout the world than any other type of viscometer, for two very good reasons, better accuracy and easier operaton. The use of the VISGAGE is ideal for obtaining immediate test results.
Model #38: Range of 0 to 400 CST (Recommended range for reading approximately 8 to 200 CST)
Model #76: Range of 0 to 400 CST (Recommended range for reading approximately 20to 400 CST)
Details Below!

The filter patch test enables you to quickly identify various levels of contamination and wear debris so that corrective maintenance actions can be scheduled.  We offer an inexpensive and simple procedure.  It requires just three items: filter patches, a filter holder, and a syringe.  

The Vac-Pump is a small, hand-operated vacuum pump which has brought a new level of performance to fluid sampling. Its durability, simplicity, versatility and ease of operation gives it a distinct advantage over competitive models. The Vac-Pump draws a vacuum of 27 inches of Hg (Mercury). The patented tube coupling device accepts any size sampling tube (with an outside diameter of 3/16" through 5/16") without changing fittings. The sampling tube is inserted through the coupling device until the lower end extends below the top of the sample bottle. When the knurled knob is turned to tighten the seal, the vacuum will draw fluid directly into the bottle without coming in contact with the pump. This patented feature allows multiple samples to be taken without cleaning the pump between samples.  The Model 38X accepts sample bottles with 38 mm threads.  Details Below!

Click for Details: VisgageVac-Pump:  Filter Patch Kit: 
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